Friday, October 3, 2008

Hi guys, it's Friday!

It's finally Friday and the guys are going elk hunting! So it's a road trip for the girls! We're headed to Valley to watch Whit play Volleyball!
Conference is this weekend...which means, it is the traditional time to can apples for the winter and watch conference.

Chelsie...thinks that she may stop breathing when she watches her little sister play VB & she's just her funny...Greg and I did that for six years, watching Chelsie, and Jaron with their's time to get the air bags and oxygen out again...anyone else want to come?

The Weddings are finally over and everyones life is starting to slow down a pace or so...just in time to hit the road again for Whit's winter sports.'s the greatest.

Carla is finished with her chemo treatments...she is looking healthier, her color and some pounds are back...way to go sis. She and I try to ride bikes...pushing is a good technique somedays! ha ha!

Well, hang in there for the rest of the day...then kick back with a good book or movie this weekend! It may be a cold one...who cares...I Love Fall!

Love To All

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I like your blog now at least I can read and keep track of the family. You just need to add more pic of the games and I would like to see some of the wedding pics. Keep up on the daily or weekly updates. Love ya take care.