Sunday, November 2, 2008

It's Sunday...Rise and Shine!

So...did we all remember to set our clocks back one hour? Now we get to wait until noon to go to church, nothing like hurry up and wait! I wish that they would leave the time alone...but who am I to wish!

I guess that I am going to put Lariss'a stew together today and have that for when we come home. I may get ambitious and make dough for scones?

Greg is off to Torrey changing his sprinkler pipe...he wants to keep watering because the water is still in the canal. I guess it is still warm, why not! Can you believe how warm it has been this weekend...70 degrees at 5:00 PM!

So...update! Whitney's special friend is not Special...he is a Sweet friend...she informed me that Dylan is the special friend, becuz he's special! So I guess if you all want to read Whit's blog...she'll tell you who the Sweet friend is! I know this much...get em both together in the car and you have a stink all the way home...yep...SPOILED...the both of them SPOILED...they stink!

Well people...enjoy your Sunday and remember to keep it holy! Sit back and relax...Heaven knows we need the rest! Keep in touch!

Love To All

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