Friday, April 3, 2009

It's Finally Friday...'s finally Friday...I can't wait to enjoy this weekend...even if it is snowing! I am so ready for a is our middle names this last week!

Barndiva got her grades yesterday...they are pretty good...way to go sister:-)!
She is busy working down at the Cowboy Homestead...they are really good to her and she seems to enjoy working there and making some can ever have enough of it...right BD!

So Carla bought herself a road bike last we can go riding together...we have a few little...well...not so little rides planned...they should be a good challenge...and I am so looking forward to it turning warm enough so that we can try to go daily...I think that BD wants a bike of her own...I don't know what Barndaddy thinks of that one!

Today is snowing and it is a good wet snow...I wonder if it will snow all day??? Oh well if it does...we need the moisture...but it sure would be nice to have a nice Spring...the temperature is okay though...not to cold this morning...Barndaddy didn't even have to build a fire...yea...but we'll have to see what the day brings and if it stays warm or if it cools off...probably the know our weather!

Great news...Chelsie got a transcription she works full time...half time for Walmart Pharmacy and part time for this Dr. between the two jobs she works full time...she could have had a full time transcription job...but decided that she wasn't ready to leave Walmart...that was probably a good choice...since they have been good to her and she is good at it...and she really wants to be a Pharmacist!

Well everyone have a great weekend and try to enjoy it the best way possible...hopefully with your families...and don't forget to watch General Conference!

Today Quote:
I finally figured out the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it.
~Rita Mae Brown~

Love you tons!

1 comment:

Julie Harward said...

Hi..what a storm huh?! I admire you for the bike thing..those long rides, I don't know about that! Last time I had a bike was where we lived in Kaysville and every where you went it was up-hill ! Hated it! Good luck with all of it..and don't crash!!!