Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Who Votes For Spring & Horse Brushing Days is human and has early morning syndrome like the rest of us...but wait till later! is equine and has early spring syndrome like the rest of us...but wait til later!

Later is...I can't wait to see Barndiva and Nick at their game...O...what a thrilling time for me!
Later is...seeing them both shiny and bright and looking like the rest of the professional world!
Later is...seeing them enjoy this game as much as she enjoys her ball that's life! you see...I'm in the winter slump and can't wait until spring gets here to help me out!
I am so looking forward to crawling back on a horse and feeling the wind in my hair and the sun on my face as I enjoy the one miracle that proves...God Really Loves Me...A HORSE...Yes!

I don't know how many shows BD will get to this year...I sure hope at least a couple of them...I know that she will have her ball camps and work...but...hey...there is hope! She tells me to show...but hey...I'm not as cute as she is on a horse and her shirts look a lot better tucked in than mine...but who knows...maybe this is the summer???

I was just looking around my house this morning and thought to myself...that I really need to do some SPRING CLEANING...anyone want to come and help me??? No...but maybe that is the way to get out of the winter slump???

BD has been trying to wear shorts and summer clothes...she's a lot tougher than me...I'm still stuck in the winter garbs...although I did take a venture through my closet this morning...only to decide that my legs are too white and fat for Capri' now I guess it's that time of year to get the tan in a tube out and stain a tan onto my legs...just so I can walk in public...I don't think so...too soon's got to get a lot warmer for I said...I'm not as tough as BD.

So...if you find yourself in the winter slump too...just find those memories that help you realize that there is hope just around the corner...but don't forget...the sheep farmers just sheered their sheep...what do we know from is going to snow now for another 4 weeks:-(

But hey...cheer up...and dig out your spring clothes...get them washed and ironed...if you still do your tan in a can...and by the time you get this all is going to be spring...and watch out...cuz here we come!

Today's Quote
If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant:
if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.
~Anne Bradstreet~

Find happiness in everyday that you rocks!


ALBRECHT said...

I am sooo ready for the spring also!!! I can not wait, but I have been breaking out the spring/summer clothes for the last 2 weeks down here in sunny st. george:) I'll send some rays your way..haha or the wind...

Julie Harward said...

I really liked this post..and the horse is beautiful and so is your daughter. I love horses too, especially their smell, mixed with the leather of the saddle when they get warmed up. Ya just have to experiance it to know it & love it!