Sunday, March 15, 2009

I Love Sundays

So...have I mentioned lately that I really love Sundays and I really love going to church...there is just nothing like sitting in sacrament meeting with the ward family and feeling so much a part of something incredible...although we did miss Trevor blessing the that's special...hearing how humble a young man can be during a prayer! I hope that you all take a moment and watch the nice video that Gary B. sent by Gmail...go below and put my music on pause then play the is something to sit back and enjoy...then get busy living right everyone...most of all me.

Whit drove us home from church today...she actually passed another car that was going slower than us...if she would have had her way...we would have followed it all the way to Teasdale...but I convinced her that she could do it...and she did...not too much jerking us around...I think that she will end up being a very good driver:-O...did I say that...teeheehee!

Not a lot happening today...I am baking those yummy pumpkin cookies that I posted the recipe to on March 13, 2009. I think that I'll take Kendal some...since it is his Birthday and all today!

I think he might have another friend that he is visiting...I can't wait to meet her...I know that he can wait to have us all meet her...cuz you know our families...we're raw from the start...right Trev...teeheehee...BD sits here and shakes her head...I think she likes you...Do Ya Think!

May you all enjoy your Sabbath day and may you all have FHE tomorrow night...Whit got her new YW value...more than likely...we will help her work on that one for our FHE...then maybe...just maybe...Barndaddy will make us a treat...NOT! But I'm sure that he'll have the basketball for sure!

Today's Quote:

No matter where you live, brothers are brothers and sisters are sisters. The bonds that keep family close are the same no matter where you are.
~Takayuki Ikkaku, Arisa Hosaka and Toshihiro Kawabata~

Turn to the person sitting to your left and give them a HUG today...if there isn't someone sitting next to you...then get up off of your Petunia and go sit by someone.

Keep Smiling...cuz you're a Child of God!


Hayley said...


Your blog is so cute, it is nice to hear about what is going on in the good old home town. I hope Spring weather finds you soon enough :) Say hello to your family for me!!

Thanks for letting me see your blog, I'm glad you gave me all the links. Have a great day

cHeLsiE said...

Your blog is sooo cute!!! It was sure fun to see you at the party on Saturday! Hope you guys have fun at the Jazz game!!!

love ya tons,