Monday, January 19, 2009

It's A Holiday For Me...

Hello is definitely a Holiday for me...I plan on getting my hair cut and then reading a good book and maybe...just my bookshelves up, then that would remind me to clean my bedroom then I would start de-junking...and then that would remind me that I need to wash my windows...I would start to wash my windows and then that would make me want to...clean my blinds...while cleaning my blinds...that would remind me that I want to buy new blinds...while thinking about buying...that would remind me that I want a new bed...then I would start to price new beds on the Internet...then that would remind me that I need to check on other orders...checking on other orders would remind me that I haven't visited for a while...while on will see all the books that I want to buy...when I see all the books that I want...that will remind me that I have a good book to read...then I'll just go read that good book! Sooo...what was this all about...just sit long and read much...becuz it's a Holiday...enjoy it and forget about cleaning!

That was...just my sociological way of thinking:):):)

Barn Diva doesn't have any ball games this week...they have a it really a break...or is it just time to get behind??? I think the more they play the better tuned up they stay...but then that is my way of thinking once again! BD is at BB practice right now...may she sweat her Holiday off...get it...sweat her Holiday off!

Today's Quote:
In times like these, it helps to recall that there have always been times like these.
~Paul Harvey~

Love you would some of you!

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