Thursday, October 15, 2009

Grandma's Boys...Boys...Boys!

Here are some random pictures of my boys...I just love them...I really need to get some pictures of my three boys together...soon!

But I thought that these pictures are pretty darn cute and I wanted to share them with everyone...Sorry Rissa...I stole your pictures...but they are so darn cute and we missed you guys at the Fair this year!

It's the deer hunt this weekend...bringing with it...a batch of Red Chili and a batch of White Chili...and...Cinnamon Rolls...YUMO! Come if you dare...we would love to have you!

Today's Quote:
The discovery of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of a new star.
~Anthelme Brillat-Savarin~

Have You Found Your treasure Yet...Keep Looking!


Julie Harward said...

Now thats a darn cute bunch of little buckaroos! They look like they could keep you really busy! You are so blest!
Come say hi :D

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh they are growing up so fast. What a beautiful family, I miss you guys so much... Love you Shaun