Friday, February 27, 2009

It Is Finally Friday is finally Friday and I am so glad...I get to enjoy the weekend...reading and watching some good movies that I haven't even tried to watch yet...becuz...who has time...time...what's time????

I have been in Delta all week to the Diversified Agriculture Conference...what a wonderful time I have had...I have enjoyed learning about more tools on the blog site and I also got to go to a two day workshop of website I can go back to work and apply it to the new website for the county:-)!

So I hear that the boys BB team took 4th place...I wonder where their play off game will be...umm...I think that they will be alright in playing whoever...our team is pretty good...they just need to have more confidence in themselves...and step up to the match...yeah...everything's good:-)!

So no pictures today...I don't have my flash drive with time I blog...hopefully blog isn't even in the top ten search sites on google anymore...bummer...I guess that I need to get to posting!

Today's Quote:
You have to keep plugging away. We are all growing. There is no shortcut. You have to put time into it to build an audience.
~John Gruber~

Well until next time....Lots of Love

1 comment:

Julie Harward said...

Hi..I look forward to see all the neat stuff you're learing..maybe I'll get some bright ideas from you! Come say Hi..I've added you to my list of friends on my blog, hope thats ok with you?! My can find me on my facebook Links. LOL