Fist of all....HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011!
As a lot of you have seen. Chelsie has started taking photographs and is doing so well. I just love her work.
I wanted to share her website link with all of you...check it out and tell your friends.
As far as the sports go...we have been kept so busy that I haven't had enough time to sit down at my computer and blog. But just want you all to know...our Whitney is doing so great this season...of course she is ours...and we wouldn't think any other way...but seriously...she is like Miss D-E-F-E-N-S-E! I am so proud of her and her team mates...they have the talent to go a long long way this season and next!
No pictures this go around cuz...well what can I say...I keep forgetting my camera and well...I have really enjoyed watching and cheering! I do have this one image...and Chelsie ended up getting it for me...then we put the camera away...well got a little ticked off at the ref...called him Q-Ball cuz he was bald and very terrible and I think he heard...shouldn't fouled out. She is sort of having that issue this year...fouling out I mean...but I have stopped calling the ref's names. Whit is kinda fouling out on her own now...she makes Not Fouling Out one of her goals now...I promise...I have been a whole lot better...sometimes! :/ I really should take's safer!
Now take a look at that standing around for my Whitter's! Go Girl Go!
I will try and be a little better about updating...and keeping my name calling to myself! I said T-R-Y!
See ya all on the flip side!