Thursday, November 12, 2009

Not Just An Ordinary Life

Heck...if our lives could just be ordinary...wouldn't that be precious!
Seems like if we don't have the Swine Flu down to a jammed finger at our house...we wouldn't be able to attend the race called life.

Almost all of you know...Whitney is trying out for BB...and she has been doing okay until last night...she came home with a jammed finger...her ring finger no less! I told her that tonight that we will just have to get the tobacco leaves out and get her finger wrapped up and send her to bed...we did that for her sprained ankle and it worked...she said, "well my finger isn't's jammed" I then told her that jammed/sprained...same thing isn't it! So...wish us luck! We had to go clear to Richfield to get the tobacco leaves when she sprained her ankle...imagine now we just keep the left overs on hand...I sure hope that they don't get old...they shouldn't should they?

I guess that we are going to try and head north on Saturday and locate basketball shoes! I really want to that I can find shirts for all of us to wear for family pictures at Thanksgiving!
I'm thinking of putting Greg, Whit and me in brown/green, Jaron, Larissa and Jager in brown/blue and Nolan, Chelsie, Chasin, and Braegan in brown/pink... with the color green,blue and pink being just a hint to give off a little glow...what do ya think...give me some input!

It sure feels like snow today...I'm really not looking forward to snow...but we need moisture so bad here...and if we don't see any at all this winter...then we are not going to have a great time at farming next summer...our poor horses and cows...oh brother...I hate to think about the pastures!

Christmas...wouldn't it be nice if I really knew what everyone wanted for Christmas! If I don't find out...I'm going to get what I think they need the most...they might be surprised just how much they might need it...most of the time Christmas is blown clear out of what it is meant to I hope this year...we manage to keep it small and special! Family and Friends are what is most important after all...along with remembering the Savior and all that he has done for us!
What the crap am I doing...Thanksgiving hasn't even gotten here yet...sheesh...if only I can get through one holiday at a time...but most important...I wish that I could learn to live each day of my life as if it were Christmas...cause it doesn't have to be about the presents...just the gifts of Love and Unselfishness!

Well enough of my ramblings for today...I just wanted to let you know what is up this weekend if I don't get enough time to blog before then!

Today's Quote:
You must give some time to your fellow men. Even if it's a little thing, do something for others - something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.
~Albert Schweitzer~
May we all remember to give away freely...and forever enjoy the smile or tear that accompanied the beautiful person that paid us with it.

Love freely...for it costs nothing but a small piece of our heart which grows with each new experience of love.

Love you all my friends~

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

It's Time To Move The Cows's that time of year again...time to move the cows! The pasture needs a little rest from them and our pasture here at home needs some chomping on!

We had a great day moving the cows and watching the girls and was such a nice afternoon-evening!

As you can see...Pepper got the yawns and so Whit started to impersonate her....then what do we know...Heather started in and there you have it...a good time making fun of Pepper.

Basketball Tryouts are going on right now...Whit is coming home sore and very...very tired! Exercise is a great thing as long as it is someone else behind the pain...ha ha!

Today's Quote:
The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves.
~William Hazlitt~

Be Happy...Love Others!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Sweet '16'

Well...she is finally Sweet 16! Happy Birthday Baby! Whit has given us some really great years...a little bit of SASS and a whole lot of LOVE!

This weekend we get to watch her play at State Volleyball in Orem at the UVU! It will be so fun and a good time to have a small vacation.

Good Luck Lady Badgers!

Today's Quote (Funny One)
Somewhere on this globe, every ten seconds, there is a woman giving birth to a child. She must be found and stopped.
~Sam Levenson~

Find Your Treasure In Today...For Tomorrow May Never Come
Happy Birthday Sweetie

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Whitney Gets Her Buck you can little girl got her second buck in her lifetime! He is quite a nice three point...I think that her dad is quite proud of her...but then what daddy isn't proud of their little girl!

We had a great time here at home while they went hunting...we made a batch of white chili and a batch of red chili...some bread sticks and cinnamon rolls with chocolate chips in them! YUMO!

The little kids played while we cooked and then Chelsie, Stephanie and myself watched Wuthering was a great movie!

Poor Whitney...she missed church today because she has a cold with chills and fever...even as I am writing she is laying on my bed and snoring up a storm...completely given out...what a little trooper she is!

Today's Quote:
Cherish all your happy moments: they make a fine cushion for old age.
~Christopher Morley~

Today's Treasure is...SUNDAY...the beautiful day of REST! Enjoy!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Grandma's Boys...Boys...Boys!

Here are some random pictures of my boys...I just love them...I really need to get some pictures of my three boys together...soon!

But I thought that these pictures are pretty darn cute and I wanted to share them with everyone...Sorry Rissa...I stole your pictures...but they are so darn cute and we missed you guys at the Fair this year!

It's the deer hunt this weekend...bringing with it...a batch of Red Chili and a batch of White Chili...and...Cinnamon Rolls...YUMO! Come if you dare...we would love to have you!

Today's Quote:
The discovery of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of a new star.
~Anthelme Brillat-Savarin~

Have You Found Your treasure Yet...Keep Looking!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It's A Road Trip War

's a road trip war for the Lady Badgers...we lost to Bryce Valley...that means we took 4th place in Region! We will have a playoff game on the road against another region to determine who will go to State on October 30th & 31st!

I believe the girls hit a wall...they seemed to lose their drive the longer into the game they got! However, Whit dug up some way nice passes and we couldn't be prouder of her...I think that they will get their crap together and win the I betting on it...well first of all I don't bet...but if I did...well...I think I might put money on the Lady Badgers pulling the win off...I guess what it will come to, is who wants it the most...well of course "The Lady Badgers" do!

What in the world will we do with our time for a week...possibly a week and a games to watch...I think that I'm actually going to have withdrawals from no game that even possible!

The most important thing is that our girls are being honest on the court and coming off winners for having actually acknowledged that they touched a ball that was called out...Whit did this yesterday...I am so happy that she told the referee the truth and gave the other team the ball...however; it was touched by the other team twice and Whit called for the touch but the other team wouldn't admit to it...just goes to show you just how much greater the Lady Badgers are than those that choose to be dishonest!

Today's Quote:
You can have all the talent in the world...but it will take you nowhere without your teammates!
~Lady Bobcats T-shirts~

Have Fun Finding The Treasures In This Day!